Chef Tyler Florence’s directorial debut ‘Uncrushable’ aired at the 2018 Napa Valley Film Festival. It is heart breaking and heart warming at the same time as it brings back memories of last year’s fires in the wine counties. Who knew Tyler Florence was a filmmaker and his first film would not be just about food? It is, though, about food bringing a community together.
The film starts with never-before-seen footage of wild fires in California in October 2017. On the night of October 8th, fires are spreading across Sonoma county, jumping highway 101 and burning everything in the way. First responders in fire trucks are attempting to put out house fires one by one. Florence interviews many of them, as well as residents, business owners, winemakers, and the owner of Safari West who decided not to evacuate. The film ends with a 500-guest dinner organized by Tyler Florence and prepared together with Paula Leduc catering company two days before Thanksgiving Day on the Napa and Sonoma county line.
Tyler Florence’s first film shows people’s resistance and good spirit after many of them lose their homes, businesses, and lives of their loved ones.